Garrett & Nicole had a beautiful wedding at the Hale Koa Hotel. They met at a beach bbq and after that Garrett did everything to make Nicole his girlfriend, and needless to say, his charms worked. Before they got married, Garrett had a surprise for Nicole. He wrote a love note under the bottom of her shoes that she would only find later on, right before the ceremony. When she read it, she was surprised and overjoyed and I expected that to be the first tears of the day, but surprisingly the tears came from Garrett, when he saw his beautiful future wife to be walking down the aisle. During his speech he had yet another surprise which would really show how much he would do for her. He announced his support and switched his favorite football team to the Dallas Cowboys, which was Nicole’s favorite team. With him joining the Dallas Cowboys and her joining the Cockett family, I think they will make a great team.